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For best viewing, expand the video to full screen view.
For best viewing, expand the video to full screen view.
For best viewing, expand the video to full screen view.
For best viewing, expand the video to full screen view.
For best viewing, expand the video to full screen view.
Use this chapter to complete the entire LSVT LOUD homework practice session. This will include your Ah’s, High/Low’s, Functional Phrases and Hierarchy exercises. To complete these separately in individual videos, see the other chapters of this Homework Helper.
Chapter 2 features sustained voicing or the Ah exercises. In this exercise you will hold the “Ah” for as long as you can, while maintaining a loud, good quality voice. The Ah exercise provides a foundation for building a strong voice that can be used in conversational speech.
Chapter 3 includes the High/Low Ah Exercises. In this exercise you will go as high or as low in pitch as you can saying Ah, while maintaining loudness with good quality. The High/Low Ah Exercises are designed to provide your speech with more inflection.
Chapter 4 contains the Functional Phrase Exercise. In this exercise you will read the 10 phrases of things that you say every day that you used during your LSVT LOUD treatment or read the common phrases that appear on the screen. When you say one of these Functional Phrases in your daily life, they provide […]
Chapter 5 involves reading in your LOUD voice. This provides you with an opportunity to exercise by using the LOUD voice that you practiced in the other exercises for longer periods of time. Read the material that appears on the screen or read your own material for the designated length of time.