Standing Adapted Exercise Classes

BIG for LIFE Standing Adapted Exercises Only

In this video, Laura will demonstrate the LSVT BIG exercises in standing while using the support of a chair on one side. Practice along with her during the exercises. All exercises completed with 8-10 repetitions each, adding in flicks intermittently. 32 minutes. For best viewing, expand the video to full screen view.

Standard Exercise Classes

BIG for LIFE Exercises Only

In this video, Jenny will demonstrate the LSVT BIG exercises in their standard format. Practice along with her during the exercises. All exercises completed with 10 repetitions each, adding in flicks and alternating sides. 21 minutes. For best viewing, expand the video to full screen view.

Functional Tips (LOUD)

How to Maintain Voice Improvements

Functional Tips (LOUD)

Talking in Noisy Environments

Functional Tips (LOUD) Swallowing Tips

Swallowing Tips

Functional Tips (LOUD) General Tips

I’m talking LOUD enough, why can’t people hear me?

Functional Tips (LOUD) General Tips

Why Think LOUD?

General tips

Freezing in Doorways 2

For best viewing, expand the video to full screen view.

Homework Helper (BIG) teleBIG for LIFE™

LSVT BIG Homework Helper Volume 2: Chapter 5 – Caregiver Tips

This chapter will provide some general tips for caregivers. Keep your cues simple, give adequate time to process information and more tips like these!

Homework Helper (BIG) teleBIG for LIFE™

LSVT BIG Homework Helper Volume 2: Chapter 4 – Supine Adaptations of LSVT BIG Exercises

Choose this chapter if you are unable to complete the exercises safely in sitting or standing due to instability or limited upright activity tolerance. Jenny will demonstrate all 7 exercises from lying down.